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The Smartest Route To

Better Travel

TravelWise Advisors helps you travel smarter with better value – whether for business or for pleasure, whether using points and/or cash.

Tell us where and when you want to go

We’ll help you with the how

Meet Your New

Travel Guru

Eat more, lose weight – is it possible? If you look at me, you would say no, but let me share how everything is possible…..

For most of my life, I never really travelled anywhere except on a couple of cruises, and trips to Canada and Florida as a child (Ask me about the coke-drinking bear!). All that changed in 2007- when I started traveling internationally for work. Within 3 years I was on my second passport – within 10 I was on my third one…and now have travelled over 3 million miles and visited over 50 countries!

I made a lot of mistakes along the way, spent more than I should, and could have earned a lot more points…..but I also made lifelong friends around the world, and learned lot from other travel gurus.

I want to help you avoid my mistakes, learn how to earn and use points better, and help you enjoy better experiences than I have had.

Eat more (more travel, more vacations, in better comfort and style), and lose weight (for less cash and points).

Where do you want to go, and when?